ROSE (Reusable Office Supplies Exchange) Room
Location: Prince Lucien Campbell Hall, Room 182
Winter staffed hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00–3:00 p.m.
If you have no way to make our open hours, you may check out a key from the front desk of the English Department in 118 PLC.
The ROSE Room is a free store for students, faculty, and staff; come by for school supplies, office items, home goods, and more. We accept donations of school and office supplies that are relevant to today's student and professional needs. Please note that at this time we are shifting the types of items we are accepting for donation. We currently are not accepting file folders, binders, binder sleeves, or textbooks. For items like broken electronics or furniture, please visit the UO Zero Waste website. All the donation guidelines are also posted in the ROSE Room, with available waste bins for any items we do not accept.
Please email sscreusables@uoregon.edu with further questions. For up-to-date information about the ROSE Room, follow @uoroseroom on Instagram.
Bottles Up
As a collaborative effort between Zero Waste and the Student Sustainability Center, the Bottles Up program collects and redistributes reusable water bottles and travel mugs to students and faculty for free. Zero Waste collects lost and forgotten water bottles from around campus, gives them to us, and we then wash them and put them out for redistribution to students through our office. A well-known operation, we collect and give out more than 1,000 bottles a year.
Grad-to-Grad Gown Share
The Student Sustainability Center’s (SSC) Grad Gown Share Program makes graduation more sustainable and affordable for UO students. After commencement, students donate their gowns and other regalia, which are then loaned out to the following year's graduates.
To Donate a Gown:
This program only works through the generous donations of graduates. Consider donating your graduation attire after commencement!
The SSC will be accepting donations any time after commencement at our office in the Erb Memorial Union, Room 005 (EMU 005). People can stop by whenever the EMU is open to drop off their regalia. We accept undergraduate and graduate gowns, caps, cords, stoles, and hoods.
We can also accept donations via mail at:
Student Sustainability Center
1395 University Street
Eugene OR 97403
To Borrow a Gown:
Students can follow the SSC on Instagram or sign up for our newsletter to learn when our gown loans open, which usually happens in late winter or early spring term. Gowns are first-come, first-served. We also have a limited number of caps and other regalia available. Students are expected to return their borrowed gowns after graduation.