Card Replacement Insurance

Did you know that 25 percent of current University of Oregon students have replaced their ID card at least once, and that 40 percent of UO students who have replaced their UO ID cards have lost more than one? Each card replacement is $28 beginning June 1, 2024, so if you tend to misplace items, consider purchasing card replacement insurance.

What is card replacement insurance?

Card replacement insurance is a program where you pay a one-time fee of $60 that will insure you up to five UO ID card replacements.

How does card replacement insurance work?

Once you have purchased the card replacement insurance, it will be added to your UO ID card profile. Each replacement UO ID card up to the sixth is free.

How do I purchase card replacement insurance?

Card replacement insurance is only available for purchase during the summer through the Week of Welcome. You can call our office at 541-346-3113 prior to arriving to campus or come into our office located in the EMU.

Why should I get card replacement insurance?

If you tend to misplace items, or lose your IDs or keys, this is a great way to save money in the long run.