Title: UO Scheduling and Event Services Sound Policy
Policy number: 201718-6
Owner: EMU Administration- UO Scheduling and Event Services
Policy language: In all spaces that UO Scheduling and Event Services schedules:
Scope. Scheduling and Event Services, which is a department of the EMU, manages event venues and spaces that include:
- Erb Memorial Union including tabling and indoor/outdoor spaces,
- Gerlinger Lounge,
- General pool classrooms when used for non-class instruction events, and
- Campus outdoor spaces with the exception of those scheduled by UO Departments of Athletics, University Housing and PE & Recreation.
Note that quiet and courtesy hours inside the residence halls are outlined in the Resident Life Community Standards and Expectations policy.
This policy constitutes a procedural policy pursuant to the university-wide Proscribed Conduct policy, which addresses, more broadly, the kind of conduct that is not permitted at the university, on its property.
- For spaces within the scope of this policy:
- Classes and other department-sponsored uses take priority over all other uses of facilities.
- Sounds resulting from university operations (e.g., construction and maintenance, scheduled university classes, and campus tours) are not governed by this policy.
- This policy applies to all sound including amplified sound, sound produced by the use of any device such as speakers, bullhorns, or musical instruments, and vocal sounds.
- This policy applies to sounds occurring as part of scheduled or unscheduled events.
- Sound restrictions.
- Sound levels beyond ambient noise that interfere with or disrupt instruction, research, service, administration, events scheduled through scheduling and events services, or any other University sponsored activities are prohibited as outlined in this section. Ambient noise means the all-encompassing noise associated with a given environment (i.e., the background noise in a particular location) and does not include any specific sound or noise that is being focused on.
- The following sound limits apply during core academic class time 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday, and 10:00 p.m.-7:00 a.m.:
- Sound originating from an outdoor source must not exceed 90 decibels for more than 10 cumulative minutes as measured from any outdoor location measured 50 feet from the source.
- Sound originating from an outdoor source must not exceed 65 decibels for more than 5 cumulative minutes as measured from any indoor location. An exception to this provision is Johnson Hall where sound must not exceed 83 decibels for more than 10 cumulative minutes as measured from anywhere inside the building.
- In the EMU Amphitheater, sound must not exceed 83 decibels at a point 5 feet above the seating area located 40 feet from the stage edge. Within the amphitheater use of any device to amplify sound must be regulated by UO Event Services staff to ensure that the maximum acceptable limit is not exceeded. This may entail an hourly charge.
- Sound that exceeds ambient noise levels in any adjacent space must not originate from inside any UO building for any duration.
- When more than one sound limit listed in this provision apply, the more restrictive sound requirement governs.
- Mitigation and Resolution
- If an event is reserved through the scheduling and event services, the sponsoring group must provide a designated representative or event liaison for the duration of any event to communicate information to and from performers, support personnel, technicians, and university or city officials that respond to noise complaints.
- If, during an event sound levels are measured to have exceeded the limits relevant to this policy, an EMU, UO Scheduling and Events official, or other authorized official will take reasonable steps to direct the sponsoring group to reduce the sound to an acceptable level. If the authorized official is unable to identify or communicate with the sponsoring group, the sound level will be deemed not corrected. Should the sound level not be corrected, the event may be shut down by the university official and/or referred to the appropriate authority for resolution.
- Resolution. If the authorized official determines that an employee, contractor, volunteer, student, guest, or member of the public has engaged in action that may be in violation of this policy, the matter will be referred to the appropriate university authority:
- Employees will be subject to corrective action pursuant to applicable UO policies and collective bargaining agreements.
- Students will be subject to the student conduct code and any applicable outcomes.
- Community members (including but not limited to guests, volunteers, and other members of the public) who violate this policy may be trespassed from campus and may otherwise lose their ability to use university property and/or to participate in university-sponsored programs and activities.
- All individuals are subject to the consequences resulting from the violation of any federal, state, and local laws, which may include civil or criminal liability.
Status: Anticipated Effective Date: March 31, 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the substantive changes to the policy?
What is different in the updated sound policy from the previous version?
The policy has been revised to accomplish a number of goals, including providing objective, rather than subjective, measures for determining what is disruptive and removing the prohibition on the use of amplified sound or other devices. In addition, in comparison to other universities, the sound levels in the UO policy are more lenient (i.e., they permit higher sound levels and durations) than policies reviewed at comparator institutions.
What criteria are used to evaluate a violation of the sound policy?
The revised policy outlines restrictions on sound based on objective decibel measurements during core academic class time 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. for events that do not qualify as an exception this policy.
Why are decibel levels used to guide this policy?
Decibel levels (dB for shorthand) allow for an objective measurement to evaluate for potential policy violations.
There seems to be a gap in the enforcement times. Why is that?
The policy is focused on core academic class times, which are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, as well as the overnight timeframe specified by the City of Eugene in its rules related to noise disturbances, which is 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
How will sound be measured?
How will you measure a sound’s levels and distances?
Sound levels will be measured using an app called Decibel X. While there is some variation between apps and tools, community members planning events may self-monitor by downloading a free decibel reader app.
Distance will be determined using the “measure tool” on the campus map, found at map.uoregon.edu. All current UO community members can turn on the measure tool in user settings after logging into the interactive map with a DuckID.
How were the specific sound levels (decibel levels) and the duration levels selected?
First, relevant comparators were examined (e.g., the Eugene Municipal Code and other universities that use decibels in their sound policies). The highest threshold among them was 85 decibels. Additionally, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires employers to implement a hearing conservation program when noise exposure is at or above 85 decibels averaged over 8 working hours, or an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA; from OSHA website).
The selected sound levels were then tested in real time during several outdoor events on campus in winter term 2025. None of the sampled events exceeded the decibel level thresholds stated in the new policyand the impact of measured noise levels on classes and university business operations during these events were carefully considered.
The UO threshold of 90 dB at 50 feet away outdoors is less restrictive, yet not significantly different than that of comparator university communities.
The UO indoor threshold of 65 dB was set to protect university activities, in particular, classes from being disrupted.
We have also added a duration to provide further grace/flexibility for those responsible for sound while also protecting ongoing daily university operations.
How will this policy be enforced?
How does the university enforce this policy? Who is an “authorized official”?
The university has a Demonstration Education & Safety Team whose role is to provide education around the guidelines for freedom of expression activities on campus. These employees are authorized officials deployed to observe scheduled and unscheduled events as they become known, to ensure that these events are protected and allowed to proceed within established university policies. EMU Scheduling and Events Services staff are also authorized officials that provide regular and daily support to (primarily scheduled) campus events. When an event’s activities violate an established policy, including the sound policy, a university official will, as noted in section 4 of the policy, direct the sponsoring group to reduce the sound to an acceptable level. If the sound level is not corrected, the authorized official will document the situation (event, time, date, location, interactions, individual identifying information) and provide this information to the appropriate authority for resolution.
Who can file a report related to disruption of a scheduled university activity and where do they file a report?
Anyone may file a report regarding a possible policy violation; however, no report is required if the behavior is recorded by a university official. Make a report at https://dos.uoregon.edu/make-report, or call 541-346-3216.
What is the standard for determining a potential violation of the student conduct code?
For any potential violation of the student conduct code, including violations of University Policy, and disruptive behavior, the standard is whether it is more likely than not that the behavior occurred based on the relevant information available. It is important to note that behavior occurring during an event other than sound may be considered a violation of the student conduct code if it is disruptive in other ways such as interrupting scheduled events, meetings, or business of the university.
How does application of this policy allow protection for free speech and expressive activity?
At the University of Oregon, free expression and the open exchange of ideas are core to our academic mission. Policies are designed to, in a viewpoint neutral manner, help individuals exercise their rights while ensuring a safe environment conducive to the delivery of the academic mission of the university. Therefore, certain time, place, and manner restrictions like the sound policy are permissible on university campuses.
Explore the guidelines that protect these freedoms and ensure that campus activities align with university standards at freespeech.uoregon.edu.
How will instances of sound be monitored?
The university has a network of employees who are collectively responsible for aspects of university operations and are, therefore, observing campus on a regular basis. These include staff in Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM), facilities liaisons in our various academic buildings, EMU staff, including those in Scheduling and Events Services, University Police Officers and Community Service Officers and staff in units such as Transportation Services, Environmental Health and Safety, etc.
Campus community members can also report a concern about noise using the “report a concern” site. It is also common for complaints about noise to be received by the EMU, UOPD, CPFM, Dean of Students Office, dean’s offices and other administrative offices. Note that the university enforces our policies unilaterally and without attention to viewpoint. As a public university, UO does not suppress or punish speech simply because it is unpopular, offensive, or controversial apart from speech or expression that includes a true threat or that constitutes harassment as defined in the student conduct code.
When an event meets specific criteria, (e.g. related to location, anticipated crowd size, or disruptive conditions) a member of the Demonstration Education & Safety Team may be deployed to observe scheduled or unscheduled events as they become known, to ensure that these events are protected and allowed to proceed safely and within established university policies. EMU staff play a similar role for events scheduled through Scheduling and Events Services.
What specific policy governs interference with university activities at the University of Oregon?
What is the origin of the sound policy?
The sound policy constitutes a procedural policy pursuant to the university-wide Proscribed Conduct policy, which addresses, more broadly, the kind of conduct that is not permitted at the university and on its property. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors to campus are expected to comply with all university policies, including the institution-wide Proscribed Conduct policy and procedural policies that exist pursuant to institution-wide policies.
Why is this policy managed by the EMU? Does this policy apply only to the EMU?
Like many policies on campus, this policy is managed by the university’s primary office responsible for scheduling and events on campus, which is housed within the EMU. This office’s policies apply to spaces and venues including those outlined in the scope section of the policy:
- Erb Memorial Union including tabling and reservable indoor/outdoor spaces,
- Gerlinger Lounge,
- Classrooms scheduled through University Scheduling and Event Services for non-class instruction events, and
- All campus outdoor spaces except for those scheduled by UO Departments of Athletics, Housing, and PE & Recreation.
In addition to addressing disruptive sound (noise) on campus, the Scheduling and Events Services policies also address chalking, setting up tables and banners, etc., in the above mentioned spaces, regardless of whether these activities are associated with officially scheduled events.
These policies are all locally managed procedural policies pursuant to the university-wide Proscribed Conduct policy, which broadly addresses the kind of conduct that is not permitted at the university and on its property.
If a violation occurs outside the venues listed above, does a different policy apply?
The sound policy constitutes a procedural policy pursuant to the university-wide Proscribed Conduct policy, which addresses, more broadly, the kind of conduct that is not permitted at the university and on its property. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors to campus are expected to comply with all university policies, including the institution-wide Proscribed Conduct policy and procedural policies that exist pursuant to institution-wide policies.
Disruptive behavior as outlined in the Student Conduct Code applies to all activities on University Premises and during any University Sponsored Activity regardless of location. The University may apply the Student Conduct Code to Student behavior which occurs on or off-campus in which the University can demonstrate a clear and distinct interest as an academic institution regardless of where the conduct occurs, and which causes substantial disruption to the University community or any of its members.
Employees that engage in disruptive behavior contrary to the Proscribed Conduct policy, which applies to all university property, are subject to discipline pursuant to the discipline policies that apply to their employee type.
Visitors that engage in disruptive behavior contrary to the Proscribed Conduct policy may be asked to leave campus and/or formally trespassed.
What are terms are commonly asked about from the policy?
What is “ambient noise?”
“Ambient noise” is the term used for the all-encompassing noise associated with a given environment. In other words, it is the background noise in a particular location and does not include any specific sound or noise of focus. Ambient noise levels vary, for example: ambient noise in a silent study room, such as in a library, could be as low as 20 decibels; ambient noise in an urban residential area marked by regular vehicular traffic and other sounds could be around 50 decibels. Source: https://safety.uoregon.edu/sites/default/files/safety_sheet_-_noise_.pdf
What is an “event” for purposes of this policy?
An event is any activity led by one or more individuals, scheduled or not, that has not been scheduled by Athletics, Housing or PE & Recreation. Examples include, but are not limited to: an outdoor rally, scheduled campus maintenance, a scheduled speaker in the EMU Amphitheater, a group of individuals marching through campus, a non-affiliated campus visitor posted near the EMU handing out pamphlets, or a group of people tabling outside the EMU or near the Memorial Quad.