Student Sustainability Center
Creating Sustainable Change
The Student Sustainability Center (SSC) is a collaborative space for student-led initiatives that foster environmental justice, social well-being, and ecological resilience. The SSC empowers students to engage pressing and relevant sustainability issues through leadership development, campus programming, projects driven by student needs and interests, and sustainability-oriented community. We help students develop a just vision for society, build resilience, and prepare to live in a climate-altered present and future.
Contact Us
Office and venue hours may vary.
Monday–Friday: 9:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
1395 University of Oregon 005 EMU
Eugene OR 97403
Join the SSC at the Washington Oregon Cascadia Higher Education Sustainability Conference (WOHESC) on March 5–7, 2025, in Portland. WOHESC is a platform for empowering and inspiring change making, facilitating action, and for sharing, networking, and collaboration related to sustainability within the region's higher education institutions. Find out more at
If you are a UO community member (faculty, staff, or student) you are eligible for a 30 percent discount on the conference ticket price! Email for information about getting a discounted ticket.
What We Do
At the SSC, we center equity in all we do. We understand that environmental problems are the result of unjust social systems. We therefore value: social justice, equity, and empowerment; student autonomy, initiative, and resilience; whole-person and holistic approaches to sustainability; critical analysis of the current and historical drivers of socio-ecological crises; and a systems-thinking approach to sustainability and environmental justice issues.
Grove Community Garden
In partnership with the Urban Farm, the Grove Garden offers 24 plots, a free seed library, and volunteer opportunities. It helps address food insecurity and educates about the importance of pollinators.
Waste Reduction and Reusables
The waste reduction and reusables effort aims to reduce waste on campus. Our programs provide reusable water bottles, mugs, and silverware. We also host educational opportunities to fix broken objects.
Food Equity
Studies suggest as many as half of U.S. college students struggle with access to food while in school. In an effort to create change in our UO food system, the SSC provides free produce markets and more.
Habitat Restoration
Students can volunteer with community organizations that do environmental restoration on campus and in surrounding areas. We offer one-off events, as well as regularly occurring opportunities to volunteer.
The SSC supports pollinator health and populations at the UO campus and beyond.
Environmental Justice
Environmental problems are rooted in social injustices. Our programs provide opportunities for students to work toward environmental justice.
Climate Anxiety
The SSC’s climate anxiety program provides support for students facing climate anxiety or the stress, grief, guilt, depression, anxiety, or other psychological effects experienced due to worrying about the impacts of climate change.
Student Organizations
Pursue passion projects with the help of leaders in sustainability, get funding, spread the word through journalism, involve your fraternity or sorority, and more with these student organizations.
Volunteering and Events
Get involved with the SSC. We host events to connect students with resources and opportunities. From the Sustainability Fair to Earth Week and Transportation Day, join us here.