Though it may not always be visible, many college students experience food insecurity in multiple forms. A report from the UO Student Well-being and Success Initiative (SWaSI; n=1357) found that 22.1 percent of students surveyed reported being food insecure in the 2020–21 academic year, which is double the national rate of 10.5 percent.
The SSC Food Equity team works toward providing students with increased access to fresh and healthy food. We aim to offer culturally appropriate and nutritious foods to students while building long-term patterns and skills when it comes to sourcing and utilizing fresh produce. The uncertainty around a stable source of nutrition or inability to obtain healthy and culturally appropriate foods negatively impacts students’ quality of life and their education. To successfully focus on personal and academic pursuits, students must be equipped with knowledge surrounding nutritious and sustainable food as well as ready access to a just and sustainable food system.
New events and programs this year will help you take ownership of your food system! For more information or to get involved, email sscfood@uoregon.edu.
Leftover Textover

The Leftover Textover program alerts current UO students via text message when there is leftover, free food available on campus. These leftover portions come from campus events where food was ordered from UO Catering, but not all of it was consumed. Leftover Textover helps reduce food waste on campus while providing students with free food!
Texts to announce available food will occur in real time—typically with about 15 minutes notice—and include a location link on the UO campus map.
Student organizations are also encouraged to participate in our Leftover Textover Student Org Pilot Program.
Trillium Produce Plus Produce Drops

The Student Sustainability Center is working with Food for Lane County to operate a Trillium Produce Plus site, bringing fresh produce to students who need it. The Trillium Produce Plus Produce Drops are like a pop-up farmer’s stand, but everything is free to eligible students and their families. There’s no enrollment or sign-up. Just come and fill a bag with what you need.
Trillium Produce Plus Produce Drops are on Tuesdays, 2:45 p.m. until we run out of food, in the EMU Amphitheater during fall, winter, and spring terms.
To be eligible, student households can earn up to twice the Federal Poverty Level (200 percent FPL). That means that a student who is not claimed as a dependent by anyone else can make up to the amounts shown in the table below and receive food for themselves and their household.
To be eligible, student households can earn up to twice the Federal Poverty Level (200 percent FPL). That means that a student who is not claimed as a dependent by anyone else can make up to the amounts shown in the table below and receive food for themselves and their household.
Trillium Produce Plus
2024 Income Guidelines/Guía de Ingresos 2024
Size of Family | Monthly Income | Annual Income |
1 | $3,765 | $45,180 |
2 | $5,110 | $61,320 |
3 | $6,455 | $77,460 |
4 | $7,880 | $109,740 |
5 | $9,145 | $93,600 |
6 | $10,490 | $125,880 |
7 | $11,835 | $142,020 |
8 | $13,180 | $158,160 |
For each additional member, add $1,345 per month or $16,140 per year./Por cada miembro adicional, agregue $1,345 por mes o $16,140 por año.
Need Additional Food Resources?
For more information about resources on campus for students, such as the Student Food Pantry and SNAP enrollment support, please visit the UO Basic Needs website.